Pedro - Rumba Flamenco Latino

Pedro - Rumba Flamenco Latino




My name is Pedro and I want to share these songs of life with you.

They’re inspired by LOVE and come from my heart to yours.

Music is the language of our generation and Love is the answer.


Find my bio, the discography and links to my socialmedia-profiles below. Thanks for listening, watching and visiting !

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I was born in Peru in the city of Lima (Capital)19 October 1950.

Since my early childhood I was musically inclined. The accordeon was my favourite instrument at this time. I wasn’t able to get one. During those years people were taught that to be a musician was not a distinguished job; better to start looking for something else.

But life had a way for me. I originally started out as a drummer with my first band. Inside me I kept this feeling of playing and singing ”LIVE”. I won some Song Contests and a time I went the usual route until I turned 17 and the guitar took priority . The musicians said : ” guitar is not for you ” you won’t make it ”. So I decided to watch their fingers and hands, how they were moving over the neck of the guitar and beating up the strings and then I’d go back home and practice, imitate or copy or how to play the guitar, so on with little technical help through books.

But more interesting for me, was to watch them on stage, because for me that was where the action was. So in my free time I tried hard to learn but wasn’t ready . I discovered that it was God’s gift, Thank You Lord! Wonderful gift! Years passed and I dedicated 5-7 hours practicing and listening to different musicians, bands, and trying to play along. I tested peoples reactions in public, in cafes, restaurants, party. I found the reaction of the people very positive.

I related to famous French band Gypsy Kings and studied the styles of them and other rumba and flamenco artists. At the same time, I started to get words and melodies which I played to audiences who responded positively. This gPedroave me courage to keep going. The people understood what I was pouring out through the music and the words were speaking to their hearts. Music is a language that The Lord uses as a universal way to communicate emotions . Melodies and lyrics that are in harmony with love, overcome the boundaries of language, Wonderful!

With Love and Life’s help I keep on studying and working . The songs and melodies will be put on my heart by the Great Musician (Jesus) to share with you. PedroThus, keeping alive the feeling within me and share these meaningful songs with you and through to others. Such things may encourage us on our way through this earth , tender songs, thunderous melodies, movement.Pedro

So my message is if you feel you’ve got this musical feeling within you….. ... whatever…don’t give up…try again, keep trying, with patience and the only real Love that will give you the power to not give up.

I can’t finish these words without saying thank you to the following people: James and Sarah Dickinson, for their faithful support and prayers. Gerhard and Manuela Koch, for making the CD production possible. And thanks to all the beautiful people who worked behind the scenes, for their love, faith and trust in me. Without them it would have been much more difficult.

May God Bless them. Sincerely, I love you.


Pedro Live

Over the years I’ve played in different countries as Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, Brasil, Ecuador, Colombia and then some countries on Europe which were my biggest tests and reward : my own CD.. with which I want to honour my Lord with the works of his hands Who helped me behind the scenes.

I’ve played in Spain, Belgium, Holland, Luxemburg and Germany, but my main places for performing these last 9 years are Aachen (Germany), Vienna and different places over Austria, with wonderful results; thankful people, very lovely. I hope you’ll enjoy the songs with love to you in truth and honesty.Pedro Live

It pleases me to play on your party or company celebration (own songs and spanish Latino-Hits)

+43-(0)676-94 57 683



Pedro Vol.1 Pedro Vol.1

Gypsy for Love

Pedro Gypsy for Love Pedro Gypsy for Love
Pedro Gypsy for Love Pedro Gypsy for Love



Gypsy for Love

01_quieroquiero 01 - Ay Morena Mira Mora
02_antes 02 - Con corazon_pero canta
03_caminante 03 - El Amor
04_escucha 04 - Todo cambia.mp3.g7aesaj
05_fuego 05 - Un Amor
06_maria 06 - Ternuras
07_su 07 - Jesucristo te ama
08_que 08 - Besame
09_quiero 09 - Cuando un amor se va
10_A 10 - Gypsy for Love
11_the 11 - Vida Vida
12_walking 12 - Abrazame
  13 - Beso Beso
  14 - Como puedo yo pedir

The CD "Gypsy for Love" is available here:

buy Pedro - Gypsy for Love - on Amazon buy Pedro - Gypsy for Love - on iTunes

author & composer of all songs is Pedro (Alcides Patino Vilela)

Are you planning a party or a company celebration and still looking for the right music entertainment ?

Send an e-mail to

or just call: +43-(0)676-94 57 683

Skype: gitanotrovador

Pedro on Skype

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